Saturday, April 11, 2009

Book Review

What Does God Expect of Us? The Hole in the Gospel by Richard Stearns. This was a very touching and thought provoking book, one I am glad I chose to read. Richard Stearns exemplifies what Christianity is all about and what selling out to Jesus is. By reading this book, I have reexamined my own life as a child of God and a Pastor's wife and I feel I have many sins of omission. Lord, forgive me for my judgemental attitudes and feelings of superiority, help me to see the poor as you see them. I sometimes look the other way when I see someone in need and just like the book says, I sometimes have felt that the poor are poor because they choose to be, which is not the case in all circumstances.
In an age of uncertainty and living in a society, where most people only think of them selves, this book is a must read for every Christian. We need to embrace the entire gospel and not just pick and choose what feels good. The Great Commission says to "go into all the world" not just our communities. We are to be salt and light, are we?
We need to stop turning our focus inward in our churches and instead demonstrate Christ's love to the world, by helping those that are struggling to survive. How can we comfortably live in our nice houses, while somewhere in the world a child is hungry, naked and in need of medical attention?
We need to become doers of the Word and not hearers only.


  1. Thank you for commenting on Rich Stearns’ new book, The Hole in Our Gospel. To find out more information about the book and Stearns, you can visit You’ll find on this site a lot of great resources and supplemental material to the book. You can also read Rich’s blog and engage in a forum discussion there. It’s a fantastic site – I encourage you to check it out!

  2. Thanks for the information Jennifer.
