Monday, March 23, 2009

Are you sold out to the Lord?

I heard a message recently about selling out to the Lord and being a slave to the Lord. It got me to thinking, I would rather be a slave to the Lord, than to be a slave to the world. Being a slave to the world, is keeping up with the Jones, always wanting more, more, more and never being satisfied with anything. The world says you aren't successful unless you live in a big house, drive a fancy car and have money and power. In the Lord's eyes we are successful when we find His will for our lives and we seek to do that will. The Lord doesn't care whether we have a big car, a fancy house, money or power. He would rather we seek His power and His kingdom. Are you doing all you can for the Lord? Do you know what His will is for your life? The Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God and then these things would be added to us. If we seek God and are sold out to God, He will give us the desires of our heart, but you know what, we we truly seek God, the desires of our heart changes. We find ourselves wanting more of God and less of the world. Father, help me as I sell out to You. To know what Your will is and to get my will in line with yours.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Book Review

This is Your Brain on Joy by Dr. Earl Henslin The Apostle Paul teaches us that to be filled with joy we need to learn to be content no matter what situation we may find ourselves in. Christ living in us should give us joy but we need to show good stewartship by taking care of our heart and brain. We need to realize that happiness come from within. This book tells us how to care for our brain, how to make it better and how to use it to glorify God. This is a must read for those in the health care profession, those in ministry and those who may be suffering from brain dysfunction or those who have someone in their life that may have lost their joy. Excellent book written in language that you don't have to have a medical degree to understand. Dr. Henslin teaches about chemical imbalances that sometimes take place in the brain. He shows us how the brain is effected by depression, bipolar disorder, ADD, PMS, and other brain dysfunctions, by using a SPECT imaging machine. The book has included a test so you can evaluate your brain. Dr.Henslin proves that if you have lost your joy, it may not be because of sin in your life or the life of your parents. People who suffer brain dysfunctions do not have to feel hopeless, there is hope and healing. Treatment consists of proper nutrition, supplements, herbs, medication, scripture,music, exercise, aromatherapy, cinematherapy,having a support group, bibliotherapy,prayer, anger management and biofeedback. No one treatment is for everyone. The book tells you wish treatments to try, according to which dysfunction you have. I would recommend this book to everyone.

Friday, March 6, 2009


It is easy to praise the Lord when things are going right, you got that job promotion, a raise, you got a better house, all your bills are paid. But, when you have lost your job, you are being evicted from your house and you have no where to go, do you praise the Lord? In the Bible it tells us to praise the Lord in all things, the good, the bad and the ugly. It is hard to praise the Lord when you don't know what to do, but give it a try. When the bills aren't paid and there is no money coming in, when you are sick and the Dr. doesn't know what your problem is, lift your hands, hearts and voice and praise the Lord. Praise Him for all He is in your life. Is praise a magical cure all? No but the Lord will honor your praises. He knows the condition of your heart. He cares when he sees those hurts and tears. Today, call on Jesus and praise His name.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring forward

Sunday at 2 a.m. we are to move the clocks forward one hour. That means spring is right around the corner. Some people while in the process of sitting their clocks ahead also check the batteries in smoke detectors and put fresh batteries in their clocks. As spring approaches, lets purpose to spring ahead in our Bible study, prayer time and meditations on the Lord. Let's take some time each day to quietly sit and listen to what the Lord is trying to tell us. If we are always hurrying and busy, how can we hear His still small voice? As we look around and see the earth began to bloom and blossum take the time to thank the Lord for his beautiful creation. Remember to praise the Lord in all things.